Self Reflection Essay

Ralph Godfrey


Technical Description Self Reflection

             For this assignment, I wrote a technical description convincing how the VGEBY mini basketball hoop is more innovative than other competing products. This product contained 12 individual items. After comparing this product to others, I determined the construction process was the point of emphasis in my thesis, to have my product stand out from others.

            Because the focus of my thesis was based on the innovation of the construction process, a large portion of my technical description in the sub-parts sections was focused on how to construct the mini hoop rather than actually using it.

            In order to ensure my technical description did not have any grammatical or organizational errors, I have been consistent with receiving proof reading from someone outside of the classroom. This peer review is different from my classmates because it allows the reader to focus on grammar and structure of my assignment rather than content to improve only my writing mechanics.

            An area of the assignment where I felt weak in was the conclusion. I always have trouble with the conclusions because I always have trouble wrapping up assignments without sounding repetitive. In the description of the sub-parts, I made it a point to not have mini-conclusions when finishing up a sub-part to ensure a more affective conclusion

            Another area I felt weak in was the organization of the body of my assignment. Even though my sections were good and provided lots of detail and description on the sub-parts, the order in which I presented these sections could’ve improved. After reading over my assignment, I noticed my argument would’ve been stronger if I included the sub-parts such as the installing accessories in the beginning rather than the end. The additional less important sub-parts such as the net and ball inflator would’ve been stronger ending the body rather than the beginning because the reader would already have a solid idea on the foundation of the mini hoop and the construction process.

            Another area that also needs improvement is citations. This is something I thought would not take a lot of time, which is why I made the mistake of leaving it last minute. However in the research phase, coming across a lot of good sources can be overwhelming, causing me to use multiple. In order to improve not only my citation but organization of sources, I will complete a citation of a source right after declaring I will use it, this way I can focus completely on the assignment.